lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011
Upcomming BASE course April
Next course at the ProBASE Academy will be held from april 20th to 24th 2011.
This is the beginners course and slots are currently available.
To sign up, please contact us via this email
viernes, 21 de enero de 2011
New Exit training tower at ProBASE Academy
The facilities of the ProBASE Academy BASE Jump school have been upgraded with the construction of an 8 meter high exit trainer. This exit simulator tower gives BASE students the opportunity to practice their BASE exits in a completly safe and natural way. Attached to ropes and wearing a regualr parachute harness, BASE jump students can now simulate a perfect BASE exit and the first meters of freefall.
This method has proven to be extremly helpfull and andvances students learning curve much more rapidly then any other exit training. The 1 to 1 simulation of a BASE exit in a safe and contained envirnoment increases students confidence and helps them find the proper exit position, push force and exit angle.
The Exit trainer at the ProBASE Academy will be ready for use for our JANUARY COURSE FROM JAN 26TH TO THE 30TH 2011.
martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010
Otro vuelo epico en traje de alas
En Octubre del 2010 el projecto "epic flights" (vuelos epicos) se organizo en la region de la Jungfrau en suiza. El projecto que tuvo lugar justo antes del campeonato mundial de salto BASE 2010 asi daba oportunidad a los pilotos de volar sus trajes de ala en una de las zonas mas bonitas y impressionantes del planeta. Los pilotos se les llevo en helicoptero a 4 mil metros de altura, encima de los picos mas altos de suiza, el Eiger y la Jungfrau, donde salieron del helicoptero para sobrevolar los glaciares espectaculares de la zona.
Volar en este sitio pone varias dificultades para los pilotos, porque es dificil juzgar la altura sobre el hielo y como los glaciares son tan amplios es muy facil de perderse durante el vuelo, que dura mas de 2 minutos.
Las lineas de vuelo estaban predeterminadas para asegurar que los pilotos volvieran a las zonas de aterizaje. Aùn asi habia varias contratiempos y mas de uno tenia que ser rescatado despues de equivocarse y tomar en el medio del glaciar.
En el video vemos como el amarillo vuela la linea de la Jungfrau, una de las mas dificilies y peligrosas del mundo. Es precisamente la linea que, hace un año, costo la vida a uno de las estrellas mundiales mas importantes del paracaidismo, el estadunidense Eli Thompson, durante el rodaje de una pelicula.
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
Campeonato mundial de salto BASE
El campeonato mundial de salto BASE se celebro por segunda vez en el valle suizo de Lauterbrunnen en la region del Jungfrau. 40 de los mejores pilotos de traje de alas de 17 naciones se reuniron en esta localidad para competir y buscar el campeon del mundo de este deporte extremo.
Los favoritos eran el campeon del año pasado, el sloveno Luka Fornazaric, el frances Ludo Woerth, el suizo Moritz Schellenberg y el norueges Espen Fadnes que gano la otra carera de trejes este año, el BASE Race de Innfijorden.
En esta carera los pilotos saltan desde una roca a 700 metros encima del valle y tienen que sobrevolar una linea de meta a 1.2 km de distancia. Se compite en parejas y el primero de pasar la linea se mete en la siguiente ronda.
El vuelo tarda unos 20 segundos y los pilotos alcanzan una velocidad de hasta 200 km/h.
despues de las 4 rondas clasificatorias Ludo woerth era el mas rapido y todo apuntaba que se iba a coronar campeon del mundo de salto BASE, pero en la semi final tenia una salida ligeramente retrasada que le costo unos decimas muy valiosas.
Esto abrio la puerta para Espen Fadnes que uso su rutina para batir el hombre sorpresa, el suizo Mathias Wyss, en la final para coronarse campeon.
Fadnes asi ha ganado las 2 competiciones mas prestigiosas este año y lleva el titulo de campeon absoluto de salto bASE 2010.
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
Primer salto BASE en Cuba!!
El saltador BASE cubano Albrecht Carrazana, residente en España y conocido como "el comandante" se ha convertido en el primero de realizar un salto BASE en su pais natal. El objeto que habia elegido es el puente "Bacunayagua" que reune las ciudades cubanas de La Havanna y Camaguey. El puente tiene una altura de 120 metros y escasa de una zona de atterizaje. El comandante, alumno de la ACADEMIA DE SALTO BASE consiguio un sueño desde que empiezo con este deporte tan adrenalitico. Siempre habia sonado con realizar un salto en su pais natal y lo ha conseguido.
El reto era extremamente duro y deficil por las circumstancias de la poitica del pais caribeño, y por el hecho que el salto desde este puente no tiene una zona para atterizar. Tenia que ir a los arboles y por suerte no me lisione nos cuenta Albrecht, para subir otra vez ariba me costa casi media mañana.
Asi Cuba no mas es una virgen, por lo menos con respeto al Salto BASE!!!
viernes, 23 de julio de 2010
Victory at Nissan Outdoor Games 2010
The Outdoor Games is one of the greatest extremsports events of the year and every athlete who participates always comes back with a tremendous feeling of accomplishment, joy and satisfaction. In its 6th year it looks like the event is here to stay and to showcase the kinds of sporting activities that usually are not featured in the mass media. The event is also growing, bringing new people, new teams, new contributors and colaborators every year and especially more media coverage and wider exposure of the films produced there.
Our Team this year participated for the 4th time, although there were only 2 people form the original crew left. We ourselves grew every year as well, getting better organized, bringing the right people into the mix both amongst the athletes as well as amongst the crew, cutters, camera operators and support team. Compared to our first participation and our first film, we are lightyears ahead. Location scouting is done a few days before the competition starts, when everyone arrives we got a storyboard and a shot list ready, everyone knows what is needed and what part he has to play. Accomodation is sorted, transport is organized and as soon as shooting starts we can attack with a plan.
There are of course always hold ups or unforeseen obstacles to be overcome. But even then we have learned how to deal with those special situations and adapt as quickly as possible. The team members are flexible and ready to help out where help is needed. The BASE jumpers spent a day this year building a dam in a river to shoot a scene where the water rises rapidly. It was a days work, but it contributed to the end product. The next day almost the entire crew came along to shoot a flyby in a Wingsuit on an inaccesible ledge. A whole day was spent on one little shot, a lot of effort and planning went into it, but what matters is that in the end the product benefitted from it and the film became better because of it.
In any case, it was once again a huge experience, a great time with awesome people, great fun and we also won the main prize!!!!
The golden peak is a prestigious award and we are very proud of it. It shows that we have learned to handle the format of shooting a 5 minute film in only 5 days, produce it, edit it, and finish it almost to perfection!
A big thanks to our producer, Seppi for the great organization, to Bani, our director for the great idea and the vision it required to realise it and to all the rest of the crew and the athletes for their contribution to this amazing event and to our TEAM!!
viernes, 9 de julio de 2010
Nissan Oudoor Games 2010 day 1 to 3
Arrived in Geneva on wednesday, early afternoon. Had to wait a few hours to be picked up by our Team leader and then cruised over to Chamonix along with Mirko who had flown in from Norway. We arrived in Chamonix to find thaty teh tream had set us up in this amazing apartment complex with all possible comfort, a BIG step up from last year! We met the team, some new faces, many old ones and watched Spain beat Germany in the Semis of the Football World Cup.
After dinner we held the official TEAM meeting the script of our film project was introduced and all the athletes got an idea of what was needed from them in order to make it all come together. We can't of course reveal any details of the project yet, but let me just say that its an absolutely rad idea that will ROCK Chamonix next thursday.
The next day we had an official meeting at the ODG headquarters in Chamonix centre and in the afternoon we could start shooting. Everyone immediatly shot off in different directions to start working, scout locations or check availability of certain spots. Mirko and I hooked up with a local french jumper to check a spot we had in mind and I did a test flight from it. The place rocks and has endless possibilities!!!
Since it was a late jump we returned to our quarters SUPER late and had a well deservbed rest before we attacked the place for real today. The hike was treeacherous in 30 degree heat but the place held what it promised, teh results are stunning. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to change and there might not be any arial activity, but lets enjoy the awesome flight from today and see what happens. Stay tuned for our next update!!!
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